
  • Truffelverkoop start met 200 € per 100 gram en truffelexport zit in de lift

    Witte AlbatruffelHet is een mooie start van de herfst, zowel dankzij de aangename temperaturen als dankzij het publiek dat nu al in groten getale aanwezig is in Alba en omgeving om alles live mee te maken – om zelf de geur op te snuiven en eventueel in een van de vele restaurants alle zintuigen te betrekken bij het verorberen van een gastronomische topper zoals een tajarin met een grattata (een paar schaafjes witte truffel). Dit wordt een belangrijke periode voor het toerisme, want zomaar liefst 50 miljoen euro wordt bij zo’n speciale gelegenheid als de Fiera Internazionale del Tartufo Bianco d’Alba binnengehaald.

    Wat daarentegen beslist een minpunt is voor de Albese witte truffel is dat hij in Italië belastbaar is met 22%, hoewel truffel in andere Europese landen als een landbouwproduct beschouwd wordt en slechts met 4 of 5% belast wordt. Komt daar nog even bij dat de landen die de truffel wel beschouwen als landbouwproduct subsidies krijgen van de Europese Gemeenschap, terwijl Alba dat dus niet krijgt. Daar willen het Centrum voor de Studie van de Albese Truffel, de Europarlementariër Alberto Cirio, de stad Alba en de organisatie van de Fiera del Tartufo Bianco d’Alba verandering in brengen. Op 24 september 2014 trokken ze naar Brussel om één en ander toe te lichten aan de Europese commissie en organiseerden ze in het kader daarvan een truffeljacht in een park in de buurt van de Europese Commissie. Er werd een petitie afgegeven aan de Commissie-leden om ze aan te zetten om druk uit te oefenen op de Italiaanse regering. Zolang de Italiaanse regering het btw-percentage niet harmoniseert met dat van de andere landen blijft de Italiaanse truffelsector immers met ernstige concurrentiële nadelen kampen. 

  • Vinum, 40% growth compared to last year's edition

    Over 18 thousand tickets sold with a growth of over 40% compared to the previous year, 420 producers with 745 labels, a building, five squares, nine bars involved for the Vinum aperitifs, eleven dining options dedicated to street food ëd Langa , seven cheese workshops, thirteen appointments in the Vinum program meets, fourteen Vinum wineries in the winery and more than twenty side events have enriched this 42nd edition of the Vinum national fair, flagship of the Piedmontese wine promotion.
     The Vinum public reveals an increasingly higher profile every year. We have hosted families with young visitors who are attentive, demanding, curious to know and to know. The experiential offer, among the aperitifs and visits of Vinum in the winery and the insights of Vinum meets, was a winning element on which we intend to aim for the next edition on which we are already working. 
    "It was a very successful edition of Vinum 2018", underlines the Mayor of Alba Maurizio Marello and the city councilor for the events and tourism Fabio Tripaldi. "Thousands of people have filled our city with a new record in terms of attendance at the event born 42 years ago. This makes us enormously pleased. The format of the open-air vinegar with tastings in the squares next to the quality street food offered by our villages and the great wines at the Palazzo Mostre e Congressi, together with the richness of the gastronomic products of our territory, has proved successful again. Now our city is visited by tourists from all over the world. However, we continue to work on promoting networking with other players and moving in the national and international context together with the other 25 UNESCO world cities creative city of gastronomy, thanks to the recognition arrived at the end of October 2017 and which is already bringing us remarkable results ».
    The territories in which our wines are born are the most suitable places to deepen the knowledge of the most famous names and to discover the less known ones. The enthusiasm of wine lovers who participated in Vinum was not limited to tastings in the streets of Alba, but thanks to a virtuous system of territorial promotion in the round, made sure that they could visit the cellars, get to know the producers and taste the typical products through the local cuisine. All without forgetting the more formative side of the experience: on the occasion of the appointments organized by the Piedmontese wine protection consortia, they had the opportunity to obtain information in a more technical and timely manner, thanks to the expertise of the speakers 

Your Piedmont Expert

Karina Imschoot

Why is she your best choice for Top Quality Time Holidays?

She visited Piedmont in 2006, fell in love with the region, spent holidays 4 times a year in Piedmont and finally has settled her home in Piedmont in  2012.

She lived in both places:  first Cherasco, then Barbaresco but returned to Cherasco.

With her knowledge,  with the fact that she came in as a tourist as well and lived all experiences as a tourist,  she is a perfect match for your quality time in Piedmont