CHERASCO An exhibition one day long not to be missed is that the church of Sant'Iffredo, the Cherasco headquarters of the Diocesan Museum, will host Sunday, April 29: the painter-iconographer Nadia Lavrova will exhibit her religious paintings, inspired by the Russian Orthodox tradition of the fifteenth century. The technique used exploits egg tempera based on natural pigments, laid out on wooden planks.
As part of the Russian painters' union Lavrova had created one of the two icons of Santa Anastasia by Sirmio sent to the Mir space station. The exhibition, which will also contain watercolors of Madonnas and saints reproducing fifteenth-century frescoes of the churches of Cuneo, can be visited from 10-12 and 15-18.30: the iconographer will also hold a conference (at 4 pm), where he will explain type and meaning of painting.