Canale in Kleur
Canale in Kleur! Het kleurenplan werd goedgekeurd met unanieme stemmen op 30 juli. Voor het eerst kan de stad Canale profiteren van een stedelijk kleurenplan, opgesteld door de architecten Lorenzo Prizzon en Paolo Sibona. Dit instrument, dat regels en procedures bevat voor onderhoud, conservering en restauratie van de gevels van openbare en particuliere gebouwen, werd unaniem goedgekeurd tijdens de gemeenteraad op maandag 30 juli.
"We steunen het voorstel omdat we van mening zijn dat het essentieel is om het imago van het land te verbeteren", zei de minderheidsleider Piera Ternavasio. "Met deze tool, nuttig voor het ontwerp van de gemeente", zegt hij de burgemeester Enrico Matter, "zal proberen om het maken van onjuiste constructie en operaties te voorkomen dat de verarming van de historische en architectonische waarde van de oude kern training tegen te gaan ; in feite, zal opnieuw worden voorgesteld vormen van steunverlening, in overeenstemming met de lokale omgeving, in overeenstemming met de regels van het Masterplan en bouwvoorschriften, waarvan de kleur een integraal plan is ", vervolgt Matter.
Het zal niet verplicht zijn te hanteren maar meer een gids voor burgers die, in het geval van interventies om gebouwen van de oudestad, kan rekenen op tips bij het identificeren van de kleur aan de gevels schilderen, met het oog op een grotere kleurconsistentie te geven aan de gebouwen zijn, maar ook een hulp bij het kiezen van de meest geschikte afwerkingen voor de context, zoals frames, frames, plinten, balustrades, enz.
De resultaten zullen na enkele jaren zichtbaar worden: wanneer een gebouw onderhoud zal ondergaan, wordt het kleurenplan toegepast », besluit de burgemeester. De inwoners kunnen kiezen uit een palet van kleuren 50-60, die ook een historische referentie vormen
Roero Bike Tour - passing along 20 charming villages
Work has begun on the Roero bike tour, the cycle tour that will include 20 Municipalities of Roero. The project will be divided into two parallel itineraries, one with Montà leader and the other with Magliano leader, which will cost around 200,000 and 150,000 euros respectively. The interventions will be financed for ninety percent by the Region through the rural development plan and for the remaining part by the municipalities involved.
An ambitious project that, in addition to enhancing the paths, aims to create stops for tourists, workshops, charging stations for electric vehicles, but also areas equipped to enjoy the view, accompanied by explanatory panels.
The project was designed by architects Silvana Pellerino, Chiara Borgognone and Lisa Amelio, together with the engineer Giorgio Giamello for the design of the structures, in collaboration with the E? Comuseo delle Rocche.
"Work has begun in Magliano and in Guarene, where two bike workshops will be set up inside the former locker rooms and the former Enel booth. In Castagnito, however, the establishment of the Castelverde has begun for the construction of a panoramic area and the consolidation of the Neo-Gothic portal, "explains Silvana Pellerino, who continues:" The Piobesi shipyard will soon be launched to activate a stopping point forthe cyclists and that of Montà for the construction of the wooden structure that will house the workshop ".
All the works planned in the project will be carried out within the year by the company Arca land and by Cofar Srl of Reggio Emilia, for the project that has as leader Montà;and from Tekno green Srl of Turin, for what is coordinated by the Municipality of Magliano
More young people choose to return to agriculture in Piemonte
A few months ago, a study was published on the increase of young people engaged in the agricultural sector.
How many young farmers are there in the province?
La Granda is the green province par excellence: with over twenty thousand companies, the agricultural sector is the first for the number of companies registered in the Chamber of Commerce, with a value of just under 30%, a result that also applies to the number of companies in pink (35.3%) and for young people engaged in agriculture (21.6%). In recent years, we have witnessed a renewal process of vital importance for companies, with a significant number of young people entering the agricultural world, both taking over from family activities and creating new businesses. As of 31 December 2017, 1,384 farms of young entrepreneurs were registered in the province of Cuneo. As far as the distribution of enterprises is concerned, agriculture precedes all the other sectors.
What happens in our territory reflects the national data. Italy with over 55 thousand farms run by under 35 is at the top in Europe for the number of young people employed in the sector. The growth is also confirmed by the increase of agricultural students, in high school and at university. Faced with economic and productive scenarios that fail to ensure a stable future, young people increasingly choose a future linked to the earth. The generational change must be further strengthened, accompanying it with the Rural Development Plan, which is fundamental in creating opportunities and giving space to the establishment of new companies.
What are the main characteristics of this return to agriculture?
The return to work in the countryside is also encouraged by the diffusion of new technologies, because, according to our surveys, young people use the Web every day, one in four graduates, while eight out of ten are used to traveling and going abroad. a peculiarity that helps them to enter new markets and enhance their products around the world.
In addition to the more traditional ones, linked to family farms, such as breeding, fruit growing and viticulture, young companies are dedicated to the rediscovery of ancient grains, to food and environmental education activities with schools, farms and educational gardens, up to the paths of pet therapy. There are many facets that see young people increasingly protagonists of agriculture, with a sensitivity and a strong focus on the environment and social.
If you are travelling to Piedmont, please visit one of the young farmers, so you can encourage the young generation. Please submit all your questions about Piedmont to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.